

The KronIQ product family is applied across various real-world use cases to address the needs of different healthcare settings, empowering organizations to achieve effective chronic disease management.


Disease Management Platform

Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in many countries, including Türkiye, consuming a significant portion of the nation’s health resources. With the growing elderly population, the incidence of chronic diseases, as well as the associated mortality and disability rates, are increasing. This rise poses escalating challenges to the health system and threatens socio-economic development.

The Disease Management Platform (HYP) is designed to enable primary health care services play a more active role in the early diagnosis, treatment, and management of chronic diseases. It ensures that screening and treatment processes follow evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and facilitates periodic follow-ups to control symptoms and signs of diseases. It also aims to prevent functional decline and disability through the monitoring complications.




Cardiovascular Risk


Coronary Artery Disease


Chronic Kidney Disease

Elderly Assessments




Developed in partnership with Türksat, INNOVA, and SRDC

Made available to family medicine physicians in Türkiye as of January 1, 2021

Used daily by over 25,000 family medicine practitioners

Over 115 million screening and monitoring sessions conducted for more than 20 million individual citizens

680,000 individuals diagnosed with diabetes

165,000 individuals diagnosed with hypertension

650,000 individuals identified with increased cardiovascular disease risk


Coordinated Care & Cure Delivery Platform

Within the scope of the H2020 C3-CLOUD Project, KronIQ served as the Coordinated Care & Cure Delivery Platform (C3DP).

C3DP equips multidisciplinary care team members with a tool to create personalized care plans for patients suffering from multiple chronic diseases, in the light of selected evidence-based guidelines.

C3-CLOUD Project aims to provide an integrated care platform to serve the needs of patients with multimorbities, part'cularly those sufferinf from two or more of the following four conditions in various combinations.


Type II Diabetes

Renal Failure

Heart Failure

Mild or Moderate Depression


Piloted in 3 European countries:

Region of Jämtland Härjedalen, Sweden

University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust, United Kingdom

Osakidetza, Basque Country, Spain

Used by 52 healthcare professionals and 230 patients


Personalized Care Plan Management Platform

Within the scope of the H2020 ADLIFE project, KronIQ served as the Personalized Care Plan Management Platform (PCPMP) to address the needs of patients suffering from advanced chronic diseases, specifically COPD and chronic heart failure.

The platform features a wizard-like interface for advance care planning, offers clinical decision support services for COPD and chronic heart failure, and supports virtual care plan review meetings.

PCPMP is integrated with the KronIQ PEP, allowing access to care plans, patient reported outcome measures (PROMs), medical device integration, Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JTAIs), and shared decision-making.



Heart Failure


Piloted in 3 European countries in 4 settings:

Osakidetza, Basque Country, Spain

NHS Lanarkshire, United Kingdom

University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust, United Kingdom

Clinic Werra Meissner, Germany

Used by more than 300 healthcare professionals and 300 patients


Adaptive Integrated Care Platform

Within the scope of H2020 CAREPATH Project, KronIQ served as the Web-based Adaptive Integrated Care Platform (AICP) for creating and executing personalized care plans for multimorbid patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia, supported by Clinical Decision Support Modules.

AICP facilitates long-term, continuous coordination of patient-centred care activities by a multidisciplinary care team, including healthcare professionals, social care workers, homecare providers, patients, and their informal caregivers (e.g., family members). It acts as the primary interface for care team members to define, update, reconcile, and share care plans. AICP provides dashboards that display the patient's medical history, care plan lifecycle, early warnings, adherence to care plan goals and activities, home and health sensor data, and patient's intrinsic capacity.

AICP is integrated with the mobile KronIQ PEP, allowing patients to access care plans cthat innclude self-measurements, appointments, diet, and exercise plans, provide feedback on daily tasks, automatically record measurements from medical devices, and receive reminders for daily tasks.


Mild Cognitive Impairment

Mild Dementia

Sarcopenia & Frailty




Heart Failure


Coronary Artery Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease


Piloted in 4 European countries:

Albacete University Hospital, Spain

University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust, United Kingdom

Klinikum Bielefeld, Germany

Centrul Medical Promemoria, Romania

Used by 78 healthcare professionals and 78 patients